
Group Activities such as welcome/farewell parties, Hanami, Lab trip and more


This page introduces the events that were held during the COVID-19 pandemic. For our typical events such as Hanami, welcome party, and Lab Trip, see the links below.
Events in 2023, Here
Events in 2019, Here
Events in 2018, Here
Events in 2017, Here
Events in 2016, Here (in Japanese)

CSJ annual meeting (March 22–25, 2023)


 Oral presentations were made by Shun, Tatsunari, & Karin.
 As it was best-matched with Sakura season around Tokyo, we could also enjoy cherry blossoms in full bloom.

Graduation ceremony (March 23, 2023)


Congratulations on the graduations of undergraduate and master course students!!
The group photo was what taken after the master defense as the day of the graduation ceremony was overlapped with that of the CSJ annual meeting.

Master Defense (February 16 and 17, 2023)
and Presentations for the bachelor degrees (February 27 and 28, 2023)


 In this year, both events were held onsite. Great jobs for all!!

Conference on November (2022.11.2–4)


 As the last on this autumn conference series, we attended to the symposium on organic crystals. Thank you all for your great jobs!!    

Conference and Symposium on October (October 18–21, 2022)


 Attended CSJ Chemical Festa, and then moved to Nagaoka to make a joint symposium with our collaborators at "NIT, Oyama" and "Nagaoka Univ. of Tech."

Conferences on September (September 17, 18 & 26–28, 2022)


 Face-to-face conferences are beginning to make a comeback. We joined at Joint Meeting of the Tohoku Area Chemistry Societies@Iwate Univ. and at the conference of JCSS@Kyushu Univ.

Joint Symposium (March 9, 2022)


The 5th joint symposium with our collaborators at "NIT, Oyama" and "Nagaoka Univ. of Tech." was held online.
From our group, Reisuke, Keiichiro, Yuki, and Tatsunari made presentations.    

Master Defense (February 17 and 18, 2022)
and Presentations for the bachelor degrees (February 28 and March 1, 2022)


 Both events were held online. Reisuke, Tatsuya, Yuki, and Tatsunari made great presentations.

Graduation Ceremony (March 23, 2021)


 Congratulations on the graduations of undergraduate and master course students!!

Joint Symposium (March 11, 2021)


 The 4th joint symposium with our collaborators at "NIT, Oyama" and "Nagaoka Univ. of Tech." was held online.
From our group, Yurika, Keiichiro, and Ryoga made presentations.  

Presentations for the bachelor degrees (March 2 and 3, 2021)


 Great presentations by Keiichiro, Ryoga, and Sora!!

Master Defense (February 17–19, 2021)


 Yurika and Shiona made great talks.

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