論文発表 154-166 of sawada yamazaki lab

弘前大学大学院理工学研究科 澤田研究室


(I) フルオロアルキル基含有高分子化合物の合成と機能の解明に関する研究
(No 47~308)


[2002 : No 154~166]

166) 川瀬徳三、彭 新宏、沢田英夫、池野宏司、種谷利幸、滝下勝久
材料技術、20, 299 (2002).

165) 河越幹男、山口清美、沢田英夫、川本耕三、
考古学と自然科学、第43号, 25 (2002).

164) H. Sawada, K. Yanagida, R. Takahashi, Y. Nishikawa, T. Kawase, K. Oharu, H. Nakagawa, and K. Ohira,
「Solubilization of Hibitane into Common Organic Solvents with Self-Assembled Fluorinated Molecular Aaggregates: Application to Novel Surface Antibacterial Materials Possessing a Good Oleophobicity」,
Polymer J., 34, 855 (2002).

163) H. Sawada, J. Kurachi, T. Maekawa, T. Kawase, K. Oharu, H. Nakagawa, and K Ohira,
「Aldol Reaction of Silyl Enol Ether with Benzaldehyde in Water-methanol Solvents Using Fluoroalkyl End-capped Polymer Gels as Reaction Media」,
Polymer J., 34, 858 (2002).

162) 沢田英夫、池野宏司、川瀬徳三、
材料技術, 20, 122 (2002).

161) H. Sawada, K. Ikeno, and T. Kawase,
「Synthesis of Amphiphilic Fluoroalkoxyl End-Capped Cooligomers Containing Oxime-blocked Isocyanato Segments: Architecture and Applications of New Self-Assembled Fluorinated Molecular Aggregates」,
Macromolecules, 35, 4306 (2002).

160) 彭 新宏,佐藤昌子,川瀬徳三、池野宏司、沢田英夫、濱田信夫、和田邦身、高橋佳子、吉村 剛、
繊維学会誌, 58, 163 (2002).

159) 彭 新宏、川瀬徳三、佐藤昌子、池野宏司、沢田英夫、
繊維学会誌(Sen-i Gakkaishi)、58, 91 (2002).

158) H. Sawada, Y. Hirata, and T. Kawase,
「Solubilization of Cytochrome c in Organic Media with Fluoroalkyl End-capped N-(1,1-dimethyl-3-oxobutyl)acrylamide Oligomer: A new Approach to Fluorinated Biocatalyst in Organic Media」,
Eur. Polym. J., 38, 1487 (2002).

157) H. Sawada, Y. Murai, M. Kurachi, T. Kawase, T. Minami, J. Kyokane, and T. Tomita,
「Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Novel Fluoroalkyl End-capped Oligomers Containing Ammonium Segments: Application to New Fluorinated Gelling materials with an Antibacterial Activity」,
J. Mater. Chem., 12, 188 (2002).

156) H. Sawada, Y. Murai, T. Kawase, T. Minami, and J. Kyokane,
「Synthesis and Gelation of Fluoroalkyl End-capped Copolymers Containing Glucosyl Segments」,
J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 85, 2833 (2002).

155) H. Sawada, H. Yoshioka, R. Ohashi, and T. Kawase,
「Synthesis and Properties of Novel Fluoroalkyl End-capped Oligomers Containing Silsewsquioxane Segments」,
J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 86, 3486 (2002).

154) H. Sawada, S. Hata, N. Kawasaki, J. Iidzuka, K. Tokugi, J. Kyokane, T. Maekawa, and T. Kawase,
「Synthesis and Surface Properties of Novel Fluoroalkyl End-capped Amphiphilic Fullerene Cooligomers」,
Polymer, 43, 1035 (2002).